You are currently browsing the monthly archive for June 2015.

God’s Peace and blessings to you all!  Here are my sermons for this Sunday for the lessons of Proper 6, the third Sunday after Pentecost.  You can find the lectionary readings for track 1 HERE, in which we hear about David being anointed as the future king and Jesus providing the parable of the mustard seed.

8:30 Service

10:15 Service

God’s Peace and blessings to you all!  Here is my sermon from the Vigil of Pentecost service we had a few weeks prior.  In this sermon I talk about why we have vigils, and why we have confirmations.  To put it succinctly, as I said in my sermon, “For those what would ask why we have confirmations when we already have baptism, I would point out that it’s the same reason we have Pentecost when we’ve already had Easter.”  This is why we’re a sacramental Church!